Unit 1: Introduction to Red Hat
Virtualization Platform
- Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Virtualization
- Introduction to KVM
- VirtIO drivers
- libvirt ,Virtual machine management with virsh
Unit 2: Advanced RHEL
- Managing virtual machines with RHN
- Defining VMs with libvirt XML
- Custom KVM network configuration
- Virtual Machine Migration
- Shared Storage
- iSCSI: Internet SCSI
- Accessing disk images from the host OS
Unit 3: Red Hat
- RHEV for Servers architecture overview
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager overview
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor overview
- Preparing a Windows Server for RHEV-M installation
Unit 4: RHEV Manager
- Installing RHEV Manager
- The RHEV-M database
- Accessing the RHEV-M Admin Portal
Unit 5: RHEV Hyper visor
- Introduction to RHEV-H
- RHEV-H deployment modes
- Installing RHEV-H
- Automated RHEV-H installation
- RHEV-H reconfiguration
- Upgrading RHEV-H
- Troubleshooting RHEV-H
Unit 6:
RHEV Data Center
- Data
Center overview
- Host
- Storage Domains
- Clusters
- System Scheduler
- Logical networks
- Virtual machines
- Creating a New
Data Center
- Creating a New Cluster
- Configuring storage
Unit 7: RHEV for Servers
- Creating virtual servers
- Installing virtual servers
- Paravirtualized drivers for Windows
- PXE Installation and RHN/Cobbler
- Virtual Machine Migration
- High Availability for Guests
- RHN Entitlements and RHEV VMs
Unit 8: RHEV for Desktops
- RHEV for Desktops architecture
- Creating virtual Desktops
- Installing Windows network VirtIO drivers
Unit 9: Snapshots and
- Image formats
- Image management
- Creating VM snapshots
- Creating templates
- Sealing a Windows template with Sysprep
Unit 10: Desktop Pools, Users
and Portal
- Creating and managing Desktop Pools
- Managing users
- Accessing the User Portal
- Accessing Virtual Desktops
Unit 11: Advanced RHEV
- Using Export Storage domains
- Converting Virtual Machines with virt-v2v
- Importing converted Virtual Machines
- Using the Search Bar
- Using Tags
- Using the Monitoring Tools
- Using Log Collector
Unit 12: RHEV-Managed RHEL
- Managed Red Hat Enterprise Linux hosts
- RHEV software for RHEL nodes
- Registering a RHEL node with RHEV
- Troubleshooting registration
- Performance tuning for RHEV