Course Details
Oracle 11g SQL

  • List the Oracle Database 11g Main Features
  • An Overview of: components, internet platform, apps server and developer suite
  • Describe Relational and Object Relational Database Designs
  • Review the System Development Life Cycle
  • Define the term Data Models
  • Describe different means of Sorting Data
  • Show how Multiple Tables can be related
  • Describe how SQL Communicates to the Database
  • Writing SQL SELECT Statements
  • Define projection, selection, and join terminology
  • Review the basic SQL SELECT statement syntax
  • Select all columns using a wildcard notation from a table
  • State simple rules and guidelines for writing SQL statements
  • Write a query containing the arithmetic operators
  • Create a character expression with the concatenation operator
  • Using the iSQL*Plus Environment
  • SQL statements versus iSQL*Plus commands
  • Restricting and Sorting Data
  • Limit rows using a selection
  • Using the WHERE clause to retrieve specific rows
  • Using the comparison conditions in the WHERE clause
  • Use the LIKE condition to compare literal values
  • List the logical conditions AND, OR, NOT
  • Describe the rules of precedence for the conditions
  • Sort rows with the ORDER BY clause
  • Use ampersand substitution in iSQL*Plus to restrict and sort output at run time
  • Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output 
  • Show the differences between single row and multiple row SQL functions
  • Categorize the character functions into case manipulation and character manipulation types
  • Use the character manipulation functions in the SELECT and WHERE clauses
  • Explain and use the DATE and numeric functions
  • Use the SYSDATE function to retrieve the current date in the default format
  • Introduce the DUAL table as a means to view function results
  • List the rules for applying the arithmetic operators on dates
  • Use the arithmetic operators with dates in the SELECT clause
  • Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions
  • Describe and categorize the group functions
  • Use the group functions
  • Utilize the DISTINCT keyword with the group functions
  • Describe how nulls are handled with the group functions
  • Create groups of data with the GROUP BY clause
  • Group data by more than one column
  • Avoid illegal queries with the group functions
  • Exclude groups of data with the HAVING clause
  • Displaying Data From Multiple Tables
  • Identify Types of Joins
  • Retrieve Records with Natural Joins
  • Use Table Aliases to write shorter code and explicitly identify columns from multiple tables
  • Create a Join with the USING clause to identify specific columns between tables
  • Use the ON clause to specify arbitrary conditions or specify columns to Join
  • Create a Three-way join with the ON clause to retrieve information from 3 tables
  • List the Types of Outer Joins LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL
  • Generating a Cartesian Product
  • Using Sub Queries to solve Queries
  • List the syntax for sub queries in a SELECT statements WHERE clause
  • List the guidelines for using sub queries
  • Describe the types of sub queries
  • Execute single row sub queries and use the group functions in a sub query
  • Identify illegal statements with sub queries
  • Execute multiple row sub queries
  • Analyze how the ANY and ALL operators work in multiple row sub queries
  • Using the SET Operators
  • Use the UNION operator to return all rows from multiple tables and eliminate any duplicate rows
  • Use the UNION ALL operator to return all rows from multiple tables
  • Describe the INTERSECT operator
  • Use the INTERSECT operator
  • Explain the MINUS operator
  • Use the MINUS operator
  • List the SET operator guidelines
  • Order results when using the UNION operator
  • Manipulating Data
  • Write INSERT statements to add rows to a table
  • Copy rows from another table
  • Create UPDATE statements to change data in a table
  • Generate DELETE statements to remove rows from a table
  • Use a script to manipulate data
  • Save and discard changes to a table through transaction processing
  • Show how read consistency works
  • Describe the TRUNCATE statement
  • Using DLL Statement to create and Manage Tables
  • List the main database objects and describe the naming rules for database objects
  • Introduce the schema concept
  • Display the basic syntax for creating a table and show the DEFAULT option
  • Explain the different types of constraints
  • Show resulting exceptions when constraints are violated with DML statements
  • Create a table with a sub query
  • Describe the ALTER TABLE functionality
  • Remove a table with the DROP statement and Rename a table
  • Creating the Schema Objects
  • Categorize simple and complex views and compare them
  • Create a view
  • Retrieve data from a view
  • Explain a read-only view
  • List the rules for performing DML on complex views
  • Create a sequence
  • List the basic rules for when to create and not create an index
  • Create a synonym
  • Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views
  • Describe the structure of each of the dictionary views
  • List the purpose of each of the dictionary views
  • Write queries that retrieve information from the dictionary views on the schema objects
  • Use the COMMENT command to document objects
  • Controlling User Access
  • Controlling User Access
  • System versus Objects Privileges
  • Using Roles to define user groups
  • Changing Your Password
  • Granting Object Privileges
  • Confirming Privileges Granted
  • Revoking Object Privileges
  • Using Database Links
  • Manage Schema Objects
  • Using the ALTER TABLE statement
  • Adding a Column
  • Modifying a Column
  • Dropping a Column, Set Column UNUSED
  • Adding, Enabling and Disabling Constraints
  • Creating Function-Based Indexes
  • Performing FLASHBACK operations
  • External Tables
  • Manipulating Large Data Sets
  • Using the MERGE Statement
  • Performing DML with Sub queries
  • Performing DML with a RETURNING Clause
  • Overview of Multi-table INSERT Statements
  • Tracking Changes in DML
  • Generating Reports by Grouping Related Data
  • Overview of GROUP BY Clause
  • Overview of Having Clause
  • Aggregating data with ROLLUP and CUBE Operators
  • Determine subtotal groups using GROUPING Functions
  • Compute multiple groupings with GROUPING SETS
  • Define levels of aggregation with Composite Columns
  • Create combinations with Concatenated Groupings
  • Managing Data From Diffrent Time Zone
  • Time Zones
  • Using date and time functions
  • Identifying TIMESTAMP Data Types
  • Differentiating between DATE and TIMESTAMP
  • Performing Conversion Operations
  • Hierarchical Retrieval
  • Sample Data from the EMPLOYEES Table
  • The Tree Structure of Employee data
  • Hierarchical Queries
  • Ranking Rows with LEVEL
  • Formatting Hierarchical Reports Using LEVEL and LPAD
  • Pruning Branches with the WHERE and CONNECT BY clauses
  • Regular Expression Support
  • Regular Expression Support Overview
  • Describing simple and complex patterns for searching and manipulating data
  • Searching Data Using Advanced Sub Queries
  • Sub query Overview
  • Using a Sub query
  • Comparing several columns using Multiple-Column Sub queries
  • Defining a Data source Using a Sub query in the FROM Clause
  • Returning one Value using Scalar Sub query Expressions
  • Performing ROW by-row processing with Correlated Sub queries
  • Reusing query blocks using the WITH Clause

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